Spyderco Galley V is my favorite kitchen knife sharpener
I've used grinders, Norton Crystalon, India oil stones, blue-baked silicon carbide, Waterstones, diamond plates, 3M lapping film, carbide scrapers, gadgets, and jigs... and this is my favorite. I bought a pair of 9" CBN rods at the same time for hogging off thick bevels, then I refine and finish the edge with the ceramic rods. I add a drop of oil to the rods so they don't load with swarf. Canola oil is easily accessible and wipes off, or washes off with Dawn dish soap. Once a knife is properly profiled and sharpened, the ceramic rods keep it sharp for months. I use a strop after first sharpening, but a few swipes on the ceramic rods for maintenance are quick, easy, and effective without needing electricity (no cord). I mounted my base to a walnut cutting board and wrap the rods in leather when not in use. Stropping keeps my knives sharp for weeks. I sometimes hold one ceramic rod and swipe it along the edge of a knife laid on a wood block, holding the blade at about 20º. The ceramic abrasive is effective on the hardest super steels.