Great slicer
Nice large blade with a full flat grind. Bronze washers and very lightweight for the size. There are no steel liners, all FRN scales. Great ergonomics with a smooth action. Full lock up and no wiggle. The best thing ultra clean Bohler k390 steel, it can take an edge and it will hold an edge. So sharpening is not going to be needed often just touch ups with a strop to upkeep. You will need diamond stones or CBN stones to sharpen it. This is one of my favorite tool steels in the M4, Rex45 type of steels. It doesn’t need ultra care but keep it dry and oiled. The discoloration you might get it is a patina the steel might be forming, I like patinas. If you don’t just get one of those fine sponge sand paper blocks to keep the patina away. This is a tool steel not a stainless steel just be aware of that. The performance is great and it will hold very well compared to other steels.